Opus® Roof Blanket can replace felt paper and plastic sheeting as a roofing underlayer. Offering a tear-free guarantee, it provides safer walking traction, has superior fastener retention, is stable in high heat and can be exposed for 30 months. For use with many roofing materials, including metal, tile and asphalt.
PERC™, made from 100 percent PET from soda bottles, is a concrete infiltration fabric. Its small pores restrict dirt and particulate, redirecting water back into aquifers instead of storm drains.
Geotex® Orange Barrier Fabric nonwoven polypropylene creates a barrier between underground utilities, historic sites and hazard areas. It is resistant to biological and chemical soil environments.
Geotex® Cool Concrete Interlayer Fabric, a nonwoven geotextile, serves as an interlayer for separating cementitious pavement sections. Resistant to UV degradation, it reduces strength-stress ratios.