The Office of Textiles and Apparel (OTEXA) has updated its Korea FTA website to reflect the date of entry into force, and to include other information that could be of assistance to U.S. importers and exporters of textiles, apparel, footwear, and travel goods.
The textile and apparel chapter of the Agreement requires that both parties publish procedures for:
- considering commercial availability requests; and
- considering textile and apparel safeguard action.
Presidential Proclamation 8783 delegates the responsibilities for the above-referenced process and procedures to the Committee for the Implementation of Textile Agreements (CITA). CITA has drafted interim procedures for both responsibilities. For interim procedures for commercial availability, click here. For interim procedures for textile and apparel safeguards, click here.
The procedures were sent to the Federal Register on March 15 for publication early in the week of March 19. (The legally controlling version will be the official procedures published in the Federal Register.) The date of publication in the FR is the date on which the procedures are effective; further, CITA is requesting comments on the interim procedures 30 days after the date of FR publication.