Getting color just right is an ongoing challenge. The AATCC Color Guidebook is a valuable resource to help meet that challenge and expertly manage the color supply chain.
The Color Guidebook explains possible problems with color control programs, and offers best practices for managing such programs. Chapters cover color order systems, colorants, textiles, instrumental measurement, visual assessment, fastness testing, and special topics such as metamerism and fluorescence. In particular, the Color Guidebook addresses how variables related to the sample, light, or detector can affect the perception of color and cause confusion in the supply chain.
The guidebook also includes editable appendices that can serve as an outline for developing your own organization’s color evaluation and control program. The Color Guidebook was developed by color experts within the AATCC, and may be purchased online as an immediate download: visit and click “Store.” Search for Item #03004A for an individual copy, or #03004B for a company-wide license. A hardcopy version will be available shortly.