An Advance Planning Brief for Industry (APBI) will be held May 19-20, 2010, at the Springfield Waterford, Springfield, Va., U.S.A. The goal of the event is to keep the industrial base informed of the direction of clothing, protective equipment, and individual equipment programs, future requirements and business opportunities. The conference begins May 19 with registration and a general session on strategic initiatives and issues; individual commodity sessions will be held the afternoon of May 19 and the morning of May 20.
Commodity areas include: helmets, fire-resistant clothing, footwear, cold weather clothing and equipment, load-bearing equipment, handwear, eyewear, body armor, hydration, parachutes and uniforms. The briefings are designed to identify specific opportunities over the next three years. The APBI is open to all members of the supply chain. For more details, contact Jaime Roig, e-mail