By Janet Preus
Roy Chism, president of The Chism Company in San Antonio, Texas, says that with the growth of software services, “you’re not going to be buying the software any more.”
“I anticipate a big shift when this industry recognizes the tremendous resources that are already available to it both internally and externally. The digital work platforms supporting many varied industries are rapidly converging. In the near future, personal computers will simply go away as will direct software purchases. Computer service providers will offer, on a subscription basis, access to some tremendous software linked directly to operating production equipment. Users will be able to leverage this evolution with their particular field of expertise to enjoy some fantastic fabricating opportunities.”
Linked via the Internet, manufacturers will have the ability to drive somebody else’s automated equipment. “This releases you to the availability of so many more platforms to work from,” he says. “The speed with which these things can be done is far greater than in-house.
“[You] don’t need as much equipment, don’t need as many computers, you don’t need as much software. Think about how much more they could put out of their shop. Pretty soon that’s going to be the way it is. It will have application to our industry.”