OMNOVA Solutions’ Global Technology Center (GTC) in Akron, Ohio received a 2011 Award for Excellence in Environmental, Health, Safety and Security (EHS&S) Performance from the Ohio Chemistry Technology Council (OCTC). The awards recognize effective, vital and sustainable programs that have resulted in measurable enhancements to company performance, and the commitment to working in close collaboration with government officials, industry peers and communities to share successes and encourage good relations.
Through a State of Ohio-sponsored energy audit, OMNOVA identified and replaced inefficient steam heating and other HVAC units at its GTC in Akron. By matching a grant received through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, facility leaders replaced previously installed equipment with high-efficiency natural gas solutions. The new equipment is expected to save over 3.3 billion BTUs of combined electrical and natural gas use per year over the baseline level established in 2010. Local consultants, contractors and workers designed and installed the American-made equipment in accordance with the grant’s provisions. The facility also made improvements to its façade by replacing windows and roofing with high-efficiency upgrades.
“The energy-saving improvements at our Global Technology Center are only a few examples of the many actions and programs OMNOVA has introduced across its global landscape,” said John Finn, OMNOVA director of Environmental Affairs. “This award signifies that we are on the right path and that we continue to take advantage of the opportunities available to strengthen our position as a Responsible Care® company.”
OMNOVA Solutions is recognized as a Responsible Care (a registered trademark of the American Chemistry Council) company, because of its commitment to the Council’s environmental, health, safety and security initiative that covers aspects of chemical development, manufacturing, transportation and disposal.
OMNOVA Solutions is a technology-based company with a global workforce of approximately 2,300. OMNOVA manufactures emulsion polymers, specialty chemicals, and decorative and functional surfaces for a variety of commercial, industrial and residential end uses.