Learn what it takes to begin printing in your company; increase profitability with a printing revenue stream.
Fabric Graphics Workshop
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
9 a.m–4 p.m.
Mimaki Headquarters
Newton (Boston), Mass.
Who should attend?
End product fabricators from the marine, awning, tent, tarp, fabric graphics, banner and flag markets who want to increase profitability with a printing revenue stream.
Workshops will cover these topics:
- equipment
- ink
- resources (money, time, talent and work flow)
Attendees will
- review the essentials of printer, ink and fabric selection for specific applications.
- participate in printing and finishing demonstrations.
- visit with fabric and equipment suppliers to the industry.
- earn CEU credit for workshop participation.
You are invited to participate in a printing workshop presented at Mimaki USA. Printing applications, fabric selection and finishing options will be discussed. Fabric and equipment suppliers will present new products to attendees for application in their businesses.
Suppliers invited
Suppliers to industry are invited to share product offerings with attendees during the Vendors’ Fair. There will be time allotted for product presentations and opportunities to print and finish fabric swatches.
If you are interested in displaying your products or services please contact Jan Schieffer, managing director, Fabric Graphics Association, +1 651 225 6944 or email jmschieffer@ifai.com. Cost is $100 for member company. Non-FGA IFAI member companies may join FGA for $50 and qualify to participate in the Vendors’ Fair.
$59 FGA members/$99 nonmembers
$100 member vendor table
Find out all the ways to register!