Dr. Kari Boudreau’s eclectic chiropractic practice melds athletic training, yoga, education and massage therapies with more traditional treatments for headaches, whiplash, running-related injuries, stress and neck pain. Working with architect Ali Heshmati, Boudreau recreated a former warehouse space as an “environment for optimal health”: Ambiénte Gallerie in Minneapolis, Minn., with airy and practical fabric rooms. Banner Creations Inc., Minneapolis, Minn., fabricated and installed the curtained rooms, which can be elevated to open the floor space for events.
The textile printing and fabricating company manages custom projects such as the Ambiénte Gallerie installation, where white curtain-like fabric enclosures provide clients an illusion of privacy and serenity while allowing free-flowing movement of air to let users “feel the four earth elements: earth, air, water, and fire,” says Boudreau. Banner Creations promotes the use of green technologies in its display and fabric products, including Ecophab™, a fabric made of 100-percent Ecofi, a material derived from crushed, refined plastic bottles spun into fibers suitable for fleece, fabrics and blankets.