Established in 1944 in honor of Louis Atwell Olney, the founder and first president of American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists, the Olney Medal recognizes outstanding achievement in textile or polymer chemistry or other fields of chemistry of major importance to textile science. The award consists of a gold medal, a scroll and an honorarium.
Dr. Martin Bide will receive the award recognizing his research, including forensic analysis of fibers and dyes; the development of textile-related biomedical materials; the environmental effects of textile wet-processing and dyeing; printing; dye analysis; wool processing; and color science. He has published more than 80 papers and book chapters and one textbook. He has presented more than 75 technical talks at professional meetings and has four patents. Bide has received more than $1 million in research funding while at the University of Rhode Island.
The Association will present Bide with the Olney Medal at an awards luncheon on March 23 at the Hilton University Place in Charlotte, N.C. Bide will deliver the Olney Medal Address, “In Praise of Textile Chemistry,” at the conference.
AATCC’s 2012 International Conference will be held March 21-23 at the Hilton University Place in Charlotte, N.C.
AATCC is a not-for-profit textile professional association serving the textile industry since 1921. AATCC, headquartered in Research Triangle Park, N.C., USA, provides test method development, quality control materials and professional networking for members throughout the world.