The Port of Duluth, Minnesota, rises high above Lake Superior, providing glistening panoramic views of the largest Great Lake from its East and Central Hillside neighborhoods. Neighborhood Housing Services of Duluth (NHS) put out a call to independent artists in the hillside neighborhoods for banner designs to highlight the neighborhoods, call attention to a burgeoning artist community and establish a strong visual identity for visitors to the international port. A panel selected three banner designs, which are now illuminated on 118 light poles in the hillside neighborhoods.
Service Printers of Duluth Inc. printed the colorful 14-by-40-inch banners that now line the city’s 4th Street corridor and are part of a larger revitalization plan to “grow the economy, stabilize the neighborhood, encourage home ownership and celebrate the arts,” says Pam Kramer, director of the Duluth Local Initiatives Support Corporation, which funded the competition. Local artists’ work will also adorn park benches, bike racks, garbage cans and possibly a sculpture garden.