Known for its prominence in the 2D/3D CAD/CAM textile industry, OptiTex, Petach-Tikva, Israel, now holds the title as the most authentic software in the virtual fashion industry. Current research conducted at North Carolina State University indicates that OptiTex is ‘as close as virtual gets’ to real garments.
Research conducted to aid in the development of the 3D virtual try-on technologies to benefit the apparel industry found the similarity of the virtual garments was related to the similarity of the virtual avatars. The currently published dissertation “Three Dimensional Virtual Try-on Technologies in the Achievement and Testing of Fit for Mass Customization” by Ho Sun Lim observes that real garments with the real body and the virtual garment with the direct avatar were preferred by most participants in the study. Lim’s analysis is the third comparative analysis of its kind to evaluate the fit and appearance of virtual try-on garments and the third research with the same outcome: OptiTex is as close as virtual gets.
Hundreds of learning institutions are using OptiTex software globally, preferring the software for its accuracy and environmentally responsible elimination of wasted materials.