Compiled by Juli Case
We’re trying to compare some fabric test methods, but have been told that the methods we’re using are out of date. Is method 5120 still valid?
You’re talking about a federal test method, specifically a method within Federal Test Method 191A. FED-STD-191A was a compilation of textile test methods from the U.S. Department of Defense, used beyond government contracting because they addressed specialty fabrics. The Acquisition Reform Act of 1994, however, emphasized the use of commercial standards for federal and military procurement. In 1998, the methods contained in FED-STD-191A were largely turned over to industry organizations that it was thought would be better prepared to keep them current. FED-STD-191A, Method 5120, titled “Strength of Cloth, Ball Bursting Method,” was converted to D3787, “Standard Test Method for Bursting Strength of Textiles-Constant-Rate-of-Traverse (CRT) Ball Burst Test,” which is an ASTM method.