’s Survey & Statistics study reviewed salaries for 76 specialty imaging positions based on location, product specialty, annual sales revenue, and number of employees in the company. The 2009 report includes a special section on sales compensation detailing the type of compensation scheme used, average commission percentages, average annual bonuses and average base salary.
The report allows specialty imagers to review compensation data and determine where their shop stands among competitors.
According to the U.S. report, the maximum reported hourly wage increased by $17, the median reported hourly wage increased by 50 cents, and the average reported production hourly wage increased by 20 cents, compared to figures reported in SGIA’s 2007 Wage and Salary Survey. In Canada, the maximum reported hourly wage increased by $22, the median reported hourly wage remained at $16 and the average reported production hourly wage increased by less than $1, compared to figures reported in SGIA’s 2007 Wage and Salary Survey.