The ancient Chinese goddess Nüwa (pronounced ‘new way’) was said to have mended the earth, following a battle between fire and water gods. A joint venture of fabric mills and specialized dye and finishing plants in China and Taiwan has adopted the goddess’s name to signal commitment to environmental consciousness. At a time when environmental concerns about Chinese goods are widespread, Nüwa advocates “the true shade of green.”
Nüwa® Textiles, Tustin, Calif., provides textile engineering for specialty products and manufacture with reduced environmental impact. Members of the joint venture, Honmyue Enterprise Co. Ltd. fabric mills and Sunny Special Dyeing and Finishing Co. Ltd., have international environmental certification, including Honmyue’s ISO 14001 certification and Sunny’s Oeko-Tex® and pending bluesign® certifications. Strategies for sustainability include advanced energy production, energy conservation, water conservation, emissions reduction and effluent treatment. “We begin by carefully engineering the manufacturing process to reduce both water use and energy consumption,” says Nüwa president Michael Shih. “Only then do we produce fabrics of durability and creativity.”
For more about Nüwa, visit